2011 June 10

Created by Donna 13 years ago
Mum had booked tickets to see Colin Fry for dad and their two friends Derek and Mary to say "thankyou" for what they had done for them months before dad died. The show was to be on the 10th June 2011 and we all knew dad would not be well enough to go so we tried to get restbite at home and couldnt. We decided that mum needed to go and get out of the house so my husband Colin decided he would look after my dad, sadly dad didnt make the friday and died the day before. We decided then that mum must still go and she did. She had the most wonderfull message from my dad. Colin Fry described his illness to a tee (unusal cancer) he told us that he could see white roses everywhere (we had arranged the funeral that day and ordered "just" white roses for his coffin. He said that he could hear Jerusulem, (we had booked this hymm for the funeral, family tradition for weddings, funerals), he said that dad heard us talking and said the exact words that mum kept saying to him when he was fading away. He told us the time that he was at his lowest point of passing over, (colin and I had taken it in turns to stay with him overnight whilst mum rested), Colin left dad at 4 in the morning because he was so tired and colin appologised to dad that he couldnt stay with him any longer (Colin Fry said 4am in the morning), I took over, and dad died at 6.30am. We were told that he would look very smart for funeral, he is in very different clothing to the usual. He said dad didnt want to wear his good cufflinks, Derek who had gone with mum and two friends was asked if he could wear his, as he had either broken cufflinks or two that didnt match, and he said dad thought they would be better as his were too good to take with him! He said that dad was a very strong man and he looked cancer in the face and said "I'm getting on with my life and you are not going to spoil things", how true was that of my dad. We were also told that my dad had been greeted by my Brother Stephen and they were cuddling. This was our familys wish that my brother be there to meet my dad. Dad didn't wake again after wednesday afternoon and we believe his plan was to let us all know that he was ok. So thankyou dad for giving us that peace that we needed. Love you lots xxxxxx